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Intended updates include the following.

Secondary Features
- Random Drops:
  - basic weapon upgrades
  - replace single laser with dual lasers
  - basic defense upgrades
  - additional hull plating (+HP)
- Add Shielding
- Additional Enemies
- Maintain the Personal, Best Score.

Polishing Features
- Randomize Waves
- Additional Random Drops:
  - advanced weapon upgrades
    - torpedo launcher attachment (max 2)
    - battle-nexus (grants target tracking to torpedoes)
    - salvo upgrade
      - tier 1: 4 projectiles launched
      - tier 2: 8 projectiles launched
    - super-bomb (5 second timer, fairly substantial radius, can damage player)
  - advanced defense upgrades
    - regenerative shielding upgrade
    - short-range beam defense attachment (individually shoots short-range targets)